
How Does King Use Ethos Pathos Logos In Letter From Birmingham Jail

Decent Essays

Martin Luther King Jr wrote an extremely powerful letter that created awareness within the Negro community that displayed use of logos, pathos, and ethos effectively. King writes from Birmingham Jail to the clergymen using the rhetorical appeals to persuade, particularly the white community that, “oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever” (King 7) by being the voice of the Negro communities. Even though the letter was written to diminish the clergymen’s assertions about the Negro community, King wrote a timeless piece of literature that moved both the white and Negro communities. Balanced sentence structures offered logical and concrete arguments that were addressed by Dr King through the heavy use of logos. King argues against the …show more content…

King uses a metaphor within his emotional appeal to express that his emotions are not only felt by him but by the Negro community and they are deep. “Perhaps it is easy for those who have never felt the stinging darts of segregation” (King 3), expresses that he does not expect the whites to be able to feel what the Negro community feels as it is almost a physical pain. This is effective because he is separating his thoughts and feelings from the white community to show what they have been doing themselves. King unfolds a series of events that is shared by almost every Negro individual with the use of anaphora because they have been told to “wait”. “But when you have seen vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers….when you see the vast majority of your twenty million Negro brothers….” (King 3), King continued with these “when you” statements to reiterate the fact that they keep “waiting” yet no action was being taken by the whites. The level of cruelty from good people is what bothered King the most, “shallow understanding from people of good-will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will” (King 5) reveals pathos because King is showing that those that want segregation are knowledgeable, just …show more content…

King used ethos to establish and support his logic behind segregation. Throughout King’s letter, he used biblical events, so both him and the behind segregation. Throughout King’s letter, he used biblical events, so both him and the clergymen could connect on a deeper level which created hopeful tone on King’s behalf. “Was not Jesus an extremist….Was not Amos…. Was not Paul….” (King 7), the use of anaphora to talk about the extremists throughout history was used to dispute that King was not a “bad” extremist. Instead, he was an extremist for love just like Jesus, Amos, and Paul were extremists for love. Even though King was an extremist, he used the logical appeal to show that he is a extremist of love and the use of anaphora was effective in relating himself to those extremists for love. Towards the end of King’s letter he stated “The South will recognize its real heros” (King 11) by first drawing an emotional and logical appeal and ends with “by the founding fathers in their formulation of the Constitution and the Declaration of the Independence” (King 11) to indicate there will be social equality again. The use of all three appeals towards the end of King’s letter was effective because he was bringing everything together, to conclude that he truly believed that there would be social

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