
How Does Lee Use Racial Discrimination In To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

There is one thing that affects the lives of almost every U.S. citizen. Every day people are being left out. People are being mistreated. People are being criticized. People are being discriminated against - all because of that one thing, skin color. In Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird, racism plays a big role in the life of a girl named Scout. Through a series of events, Lee uses scenarios that connect with the reader to show the effects of racism on the daily life of others. Calpurnia, the Finch’s maid, takes Jem and Scout to her church - a “colored” church called First Purchase. While Calpurnia, Jem, and Scout are at First Purchase, a woman by the name of Lula criticizes Calpurnia. Lula lashes out at Calpurnia saying, “‘I wants to know why you bringin’ white chillun to nigger church’” (Lee 158). This is the first time Scout and Jem are introduced to black against white racism. Lee adds this scenario to her story to show that it is not just whites discriminating blacks. It is both ways. Not only does Lee talk about blacks discriminating against whites, but she also talks about blacks and whites leaving out those who they do not …show more content…

The whites think they are better than the blacks. During the time of the trial, the blacks have to sit in the balcony of the courtroom. A group of old, retired men in a group called the Idlers’ Club come into the trial late and lose their seats in the bottom seating with the whites. So, the Idlers’ Club then says to the blacks, who were making their way up to the balcony, “‘Whoa now, just a minute,’ said a member holding up his walking stick ‘Just don’t start up them there stairs yet a while’” (Lee 218). The blacks step back and let the white men get their seats before them. At this point whites are showing power over the blacks. Lee uses this quote in her book to show the whites do not respect the blacks at the time, and the whites treat the blacks like they are

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