
How Does Lennie Make A Rabbit Cake In Of Mice And Men

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Rabbits I am choosing to make a rabbit cake because in the book Mice and Men it states that Lennie always wanted to tend the rabbits. The rabbits are so important to Lennie in Of Mice and Men because they represent, to him, home, safety, peace and love. Lennie is an innocent with the mental capacity of a child; he knows and believes only as much as George has told him. The rabbits are soft, smooth and comforting to him.Lennie would always talk about the rabbits and he always talked about the little cabin that George and Lennie would get. I can see that Lennie really likes the rabbits because they are soft and Lennie always loves soft thing, that's why they had to run away from Weed. They had to run away because poor Lennie just wanted to

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