
How Does Macbeth Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

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"Absolute power corrupts absolutely" said by by John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, first Baron Acton (1834–1902), he also said "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." I believe that power does corrupt, maybe not as soon as you have power but there is people that come to having power and don't stop until they have more but then more becomes not enough and they start by going against their morals, going against human rights. There is people who gain power and believe its their right to have more and more. The way that the witches told Macbeth that he would have great power, who doesn't want to hear it, right? “All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter!” from Act 1, Scene 3. It is exactly what Macbeth wanted, why not be humble about it, he just strolled by high headed and knowing he did want the power. Lady Macbeth becomes obsess with the idea of being Queen that she silently lets Macbeth do all the horrible deeds without speaking and telling him he's doing wrong. After Macbeth kills Duncan in Act 2, scene 2, 18–23. Lady Macbeth says “A foolish thought, to say a sorry sight.” basically telling him that its a sorry sight him saying sorry over and over again after seeing his bloody hands. …show more content…

Another part in the story where Lady Macbeth just goes along with all of Macbeth’s murderers and spilling blood is in Act 2, scene 2, 45–52 when Macbeth brings the daggers she tells him to plant them on the kings unconscious groom so that the suspicion could be off of

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