
How Does Macbeth Become King

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In the beginning of Macbeth, three witches prophesize that Macbeth is going to become king. And although Macbeth is clearly excited about this, he has no idea of how this could come true. After the prophecy of becoming the Thane of Cawdor comes to life. Macbeth is even more entranced with the possibility of becoming king. On the other hand, he admits to having a "horrid image" in his mind; about what he will have to do to become king. However, he sees no quick way to this achievement except murder. The only way Macbeth will become king is if he murders the present King Duncan and his son Malcolm; the heir to the throne.
Although, Macbeth detests the idea of murder to achieve his goal. He also knows that this is the only way. Macbeth even confesses

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