
How Does Machiavelli Bring Us From A Medieval View Of Politics Of Power And Interests?

Decent Essays

The platform for political science brought to us by Aristotle, had structuralized the forms and functions of government with little attention to conflict. Whereas, in Machiavelli’s work, we explore new notions of statecraft concerning power, fear and interests. Machiavelli’s work is pulled together from thousands of years’ worth of written history and studies of conflict compared to Aristotle’s work, circa 350 B.C. concerned with proportion and constitutions which consists mostly of observations made of Greek city-states. When comparing these two influential men we should entertain the question, “would you rather be loved or feared?” Is it possible to have a fully functioning republic without fear of the consequences of disobeying laws and …show more content…

The church was more powerful than organization or governance and anyone who dared speak against the church or pope would be punished severely. Then, during the 14th and 15th centuries, the conciliar movement sought to limit the popes power by instituting a council (council of cardinals). The council and the pope represented a system of checks and balances. With this and ecclesiastical law (cannon law), we begin to see the decline in the pope’s power around the 1400’s. This sets the scene for Machiavelli’s views. Machiavelli thought highly of the roman republic and wanted a republic of Italy (nation state). He was a tough minded realist that incorporated warfare language into politics which hadn’t really been seen before. Unlike Plato, who wrote of proportion and Aristotle who wrote of moderation, Machiavelli writes of power and state craft. He writes of this new science of state craft as an apparatus of reason, balance, force and coercion. He writes of republicanism and the citizens, focusing importance on virtu, patriotism and vitality as I will discuss in depth later on. The new road Machiavelli sets out on concerns all of this, as well as the factors that pertain to keeping a republic going, which greatly concern not necessarily conflict resolution, but conflict mediation. To continue our discussion, Machiavelli

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