
How Does Mary Maloney Use Violence In Lamb To The Slaughter

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Erika Hernandez Mrs. Briscoe English I Honors 7 September 2017 The Leg of the Lamb Killer The author wants us to understand that violent behavior and violence can happen when people get mad at each other or one is mad at the other. Violence is not a way to solve your problems, however it is for Mary Maloney. There are many uses of violence in “The Lamb of the Slaughter.” Here are some examples: “she swung the big frozen leg of lamb high in the air and brought it down as hard as she could on the back of his head.” “I’d be a favor to me if you ate it up.” The last one is “ As a wife of a detective, she knew what the punishment would be.” In Lamb to the Slaughter, Mary’s husband, Patrick Maloney no longer wanted to be with her. His exact

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