
How Does Mental Illness Affect Society

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The term mental illness refers to a range of condition and disorders that affect your emotions, thinking, and behaviors. Mental illnesses are commonly seen worldwide and affect many people. Statistics say that “nearly one in five (19 percent) U.S. adults experience some form of mental illness”( There are many theories as to what causes these types of illnesses all of which mainly involve heredity, trauma, environmental stressors, and biology. Although our knowledge on mental illness has grown, society’s acceptance around the disease has changed very little during the past few decades. So many people are affected by mental illnesses or have mental illnesses yet we continue to pass judgments. People with mental disorders are often …show more content…

When we see people that are different, we tend to discriminate. Being discriminated against tends to make us feel different from the rest of society, which can cause us to isolate ourselves in order to try to prevent this feeling of being different than “the societal norm”. When people who are mentally ill are discriminated against, they tend to isolate themselves from society. Many people feel that an individual with mental illness is dangerous, due to a few occasional violent outbursts that some of those whom are mentally ill may have caused. This prejudice of the mentally ill being violent results in fear and increased social distance. This social distancing can result in the experience of social isolation or loneliness on the part of people with mental illness (Psychology Today). This only helps dig them into a bigger hole, and really doesn’t help their illness. Those who have these negative views on the mentally ill tend to think they are dangerous due to many different factors many of which can involve some of the mentally ills violent behavior. But, not all of those who are mentally ill are violent, and this prejudice could be a factor to what’s causing them to act out. By creating more acceptance towards mental illness we can prevent so many people from isolating themselves, and feeling like they are alone. We can prevent this by having more schools create support groups or even in workplaces, that way people can have others to relate to. So many people are in the same situation and just want to feel like they belong, by changing the social expectations and views on mental illness we can help so many

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