
How Does Montag Change In Fahrenheit 451

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The book Fahrenheit 451 is about a dark society where the citizens burn books. It was published in 1953 by Ray Bradbury. In this book the main character is Guy Montag and he is a fire man but instead of putting fires out he burns them. But throughout book Montag changes from loving burning books to hating it. There are three main reasons for this change. The first is that he meets Clarisse a very odd character who asks deep questions about life. The second is when a women chooses to die with her books. And the final reason is he tries to change Mildred his wife. Montag is changed by a character named Clarisse she changes him because of her unique personality. Clarisse changes Montag because she shows him how the world needs to slow down and how people need to just examine things slowly. Montag and Clarisse are talking and Clarisse says people need to slow down and examine things more carefully. “ Sometimes I think that drivers do not know what grass is or flowers because the do not see them slowly”(pg7). This …show more content…

Montag demonstrates change because he tries to change Mildred’s belief that the only point of life is to be happy. Montag is trying to Mildred that tv is not always the answer by asking if the white clown (a tv show that pretends to know you and be your family) if it really loves her. “does the white clown love you”(75). This shows change because Montag is trying to change mildred and you can only change people if you have been changed. Montag also shows he has changed because to make Mildred feel emotion. Montag shows change in this quote because he shows that feeling bad emotion is good and he tries to teach it to Mildred. Montag is talking to Mildred and he asks her when the last time she been upset about something was. “when is the last time you have been bothered you need to be bothered”(75). This shows change in Montag because it shows he knows that diversity builds

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