
How Does Mr Hyde Present Villainy In Macbeth

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Macbeth, a Shakespearean play that is an ultimate portrayal on how the thirst for power drives a man to murder his friends viciously. Shakespeare takes his audience on a tragic yet unexpected journey with the characters in Macbeth; which includes the ‘valiant’ Macbeth himself and his incredibly driven wife, Lady Macbeth. The ambitious journey the married duo take to overthrow any possible heirs and withhold the crown of Scotland displays a sense of evil and villainy. Similarly Stevenson portrays an essence of ‘pure evil’ and villainy via the characterization of Mr Hyde in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (DR J and Mr H). Stevenson reiterates a sense of wickedness by clearly comparing the depiction of Dr Jekyll; a highly respected socially noted aristocrat with his inner ‘monster’ Mr Hyde; a malicious, immoral creature with no values.
In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the scenery of ‘thunder and lightning’ creates a murky …show more content…

This is demonstrated in the quote ‘unsex me here’ this is effective because it portrays how disturbed Lady Macbeth feels about her femininity. Shakespeare has made this concept very relatable to the audience as the play was performed in front of a patriarchal society where sexism and gender inequality existed. This use of monologue is effective because it expresses her intense need and want to become a man so that she can physically and mentally vigorous and strong to assist Macbeth to overthrow the monarchy. The audience can also feel a sense of irony in the way Shakespeare has portrayed Lady Macbeth because a woman of that era wouldn’t have been courageous enough to be so strong minded and assertive. Shakespeare’s effective use of irony to establish Lady Macbeth’s character adds further emphasis on how wicked and immoral she is as a person; essentially presenting her as an evil person. Opposite to a patriarchal view of a gentle, quite female who listens to her father or

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