
How Does Othello Show Jealousy

Decent Essays

Othello’s Jealousy over Love Jealousy is defined as a mental uneasiness from suspicion or fear of unfaithfulness. William Shakespeare compares jealousy to a monster in Othello, “O, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster…” because it can attack a person’s mind to make them hallucinate things that are not really going on and make them hurt people they love (III, iii, 165-66). In the play, Othello is tricked into believing, by Iago, that his wife Desdemona is cheating on him with another man. Even though Othello was not a jealousy man, once the seed of doubt is planted, it simply added fuel to the fire and Othello turns that doubt into jealousy. Shakespeare’s play suggest that jealousy can destroy relationships and end happiness. In the play, Othello …show more content…

He chooses his jealousy over the love he has for Desdemona. Even though he struggles with his love for her and his hatred against her, he lets his hate be bigger than love. Othello is driven into madness and even though he and other people are telling him Desdemona would not cheat on him, his mind decides for him not to listen to anyone. In the play jealousy has taken Othello’s happiness away and since he cannot be happy then he does not want Desdemona to be happy. Now Othello has a mindset where he does not want other man to suffer from being cheated by her. He get to a point where he does not want to suffer no more and decides that the only way for him to get revenge is to kill Cassio and Desdemona. He takes Desdemona’s life, but he is in pain because he still loves her, but his jealousy tore him apart from her and he had to kill her and then taking his life away because he discover that it was all in his mind and that she was faithful to

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