
How Does Roald Dahl Use Dramatic Irony In Lamb To The Slaughter

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In “Lamb to the Slaughter” Roald Dahl uses dramatic irony to make the reader feel surprised because Mary Maloney does certain things, like killing her husband and acting as though it is a shock when she finds out, that only the reader and Mary Maloney know. First near the middle of the story, after finding out he wants to leave her, Mary Maloney kills her husband Patrick with the leg of lamb that they are supposed to eat for dinner at their house. According to the text, “At that point Mary Maloney simply walked up behind him and without any pause she swung the big frozen leg of Lamb high in the air and brought it down as hard as she could on the back of his head” (Dahl 153). This quote is an example of dramatic irony because only the reader …show more content…

The reader has the one piece of information Patrick does not have, that Mary Maloney is behind him about to hit him with a leg of lamb. This makes the reader feel surprised because when Mary was waiting for her husband she was so excited but then just minutes later she ends up killing him.Second, just a little bit after the last event, some of the detectives that came over went out to talk to Sam, the grocer, about the case and when the came back to Mary Maloney’s house, Mary overhears them talking about how she could never kill her husband. While Mary Maloney is grieving the death of her husband, “she heard a few of the whispered phrases- ... acted quite normal … very cheerful … wanted to give him a good supper … peas … cheesecake … impossible that she …” (155). This quote is an example of dramatic irony because the reader knows something the police do not know. While Sam, the grocer and the detectives think Mary Maloney is innocent, both the reader and Mary Maloney know that she is not a innocent as she seems. This makes the reader surprised because the reader may have thought that she would not get away with the murder but she did.With Mary’s impeccable acting she convinces everyone around her, and maybe even herself, that she is just an innocent women six months with child mourning the loss of her

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