
How Does Scrooge Change In A Christmas Carol

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Albert Einstein says,“There are two way to live your life. One as though nothing is a miracle, the other as though everything is a miracle.” In A Christmas Carol Scrooge does not appreciate anything, but throughout the story he begins to appreciate everything around him since he knows it will not be eternal. Three spirits visit Scrooge on Christmas morning to teach him the error of his ways. After the spirits visit Scrooge he feels guilty, so Scrooge changes his ways and his view of the holidays to better himself. A significant theme of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens is paying it forward for the people who have helped you.
First, Scrooge has a positive effect on people. For example, Scrooge gives Bob Cratchit a raise, he says, “Now, I’ll tell you what, my friend [...] I am not going to stand this sort of thing any longer. And therefore [...] and …show more content…

When Scrooge found a boy to pick up the turkey, he says, “Come back with the man, and I’ll give you shiling. Come back in less than
Alexander, Bartnick, Dimitrova II five minutes and I’ll give you half-a-crown!” (Dickens 47).Scrooge expresses generosity because he chooses to give the child more money even though he wasn't obligated to do so. Since the child did something for Scrooge, he felt the need to pay the kindness forward by giving the child more money. Finally, Scrooge demonstrates paying it forward by allowing people into his life. As Scrooge was walking towards Fred’s house “He passed the door a dozen times, before he had the courage to go up and knock. Bu he made a dash, and did it:” (Dickens 48). Scrooge goes to his nephew’s house because he realized that people in his life that were trying to reach out to him were trying to help him become better, so Scrooge allows the people into his life to better himself. In the beginning of the story Scrooge’s nephew was always there for him, so by the end of the story Scrooge repays his nephew by visiting

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