
How Does Sherman Alexie Use Ethos In Superman And Me

Decent Essays

Sherman Alexie, the author of “The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and me,” begins by informing the audience of the trials and hardships that he faced as an Indian boy on the Spokane reservation. Then Alexie shares with the audience, a story, about the first time he read which impacts the audience because it is personal and concise, which emotionally connects the audience and builds a foundation of understanding. The foundation built by the story, allows for Alexie to elaborate on the passion he had for reading and later reminds the audience that he lived on a reservation where the children were not expected to succeed, and even though he did and we find out children now have an “arrogant wonder,” (Page, 14) there are still the few that may adhere to old expectations. Alexie uses Pathos, Ethos, and Logos to assist in conveying this message. In the beginning, the story of when he first began to read, entices the audience to …show more content…

In using these appeals he can clearly demonstrate his personal development as well as the development of children on reservations. Pathos is used through the story and the way it is described. Ethos and Logos support everything he is trying to demonstrate and helped make things clearer. The constant simplicity was effective and when the tone changed it brought a stronger impact and helped the audience understand what he was trying to say concisely. The Story was able to show the development of Alexie, as well as the development that his culture has gone through as well. Even though some Indian children are still “defeated” (Page, 14) many are filled with an “arrogant wonder” (Page, 14). The expectations that Alexie and his classmates were given have been overturned but there is still some work to be done, and that he sees as his purpose, he is making an effort to “save their lives.” (Page,

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