
How Does Soccer Influenced My Life

Decent Essays

I was ten years old when I made the decision. Albion, the most prestigious soccer league in Houston Texas. I played for the second highest team in the county for my age, and was about to go to the first. But something was lacking, I didn't feel a sense of motivation to continue. That's when I switched from playing soccer to basketball. In life, you can make some good decisions, and some bad ones. Nevertheless, any decision you make is your choice you decide to stick with. That's because I believe that everybody can pursue their own path. My whole life I played soccer and was even pretty good at it. I had been strongly influenced by my surroundings since I lived in England, a soccer infested country. All my friends, family, and neighbors played it, so why shouldn't I? That was the thinking I had for a while, until my parents told me it was time to move away. America. Freedom, guns, and basketball. My brother had always been a kind of sport polymath. He played soccer, basketball, and he ran cross country. Out of those three, I found basketball to be quite interesting. …show more content…

The idea to me seemed awesome, compared to what I thought was the slow, and dull gameplay of soccer. During the time I was on a team called Albion, which was one of the best teams in the City. My season was about to end, and I thought that to be a good time to call it quits. I knew that the motivation wasn't there, and that there was a whole other opportunity in

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