
How Does “Strategic Culture” Explains The Patterns Of State

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How does “strategic culture” explains the patterns of state behavior in three cases: the United States, China, and Iran. What are the causal mechanisms (i.e. cause-effect explanations) in these cases? Is “strategic culture” a cause of the observed patterns? Or is other cause (e.g. hierarchy, power structure, etc.)?
Strategic culture allows scholars for the opportunity to recognize, analyze and explain patterns of continuity and change when it comes to the reasons behind state behaviors in the international system. Quite regularly, such behaviors are deeply intertwined with the state’s historical propensity to maintain its observed spheres of influence. Strategic Culture has shown to leave lasting legacies in the way states develop their …show more content…

“…Thus, in order for the United States to pursue war, the threat must be directly related to the survival of the country or be characterized as “evil incarnate”—as was fascism in World War II, communism in the Cold War, and terrorism during the current war on terror...” (Howard, 9.) United States strategic culture continues to be characterized by positive and idealist views in the evolution of human relationships. As a result of United States strategic culture and views on war, the world’s hegemon has developed great skills at problem solving since they are always looking for quick and effective solutions to international conflicts, as a way to minimize the cost of lives and resources, while maintain their hegemonic power. It could be said that the United States looks at international relations as a transaction, by focusing on immediate results.
In the case of China their history and culture seems to be rooted as well when it comes to their strategic thinking. Geographically China could be identified as a continental power, who throughout history has continue to be focus in the security and strength of their own territory, instead of looking for territorial expansions or conquests. Chinese strategic culture appears to

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