
How Does The Character Of Jasper's Father Change Throughout The Novel

Decent Essays

In the 1996 Australian novel, Jihad by Rosanne Hawke, one of the main characters named Jaime, is a teenager who returns to Pakistan for a holiday to see her hometown. One of her childhood friends named Jasper, faces a struggling journey after his father’s death. His father’s death has impacted Jasper throughout the novel which has altered his attitude and changed him emotionally as well as affecting his faith with God. However, he soon finds complete inner peace by the return of his father.

At the beginning of the novel, we see Jaime remembering Jasper as an outgoing and a jolly teenager who had a loving relationship with his friends. But after the loss of his father, Jasper’s attitude towards people changed dramatically. He became very depressed and distance from himself from his friends. Jaime expressed that Jasper “didn’t seem to be the jasper I remembered.” Later in the novel, we also find out that his relationship with God also changed. This resulted in Jasper feeling angry and resentment towards Him. “It was like he had his own holy war raging inside, pulling him apart.” His father’s death impacted Jasper intensely and changed his perspective of life. …show more content…

Liana had stated, “Poor Jasper. I don’t think he’s come to grips with the reality that his father is dead at all.” He appeared to be the same Jasper on the outside but his inner personality had changed and Jaimie had described Jasper looking “like a shell of the old Jasper, like a Queensland Blue with all his seeds scraped out.” He didn’t express his emotions or personal struggles with

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