
How Does The Hobbit Exemplifies The Destructive Nature Of Greed

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Thorin's Greed: A Literary Analysis. In J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit," Thorin Oakenshield's character, is deeply intertwined with the theme of greed. From his desire to reclaim the Lonely Mountain to his reluctance to share its riches, Thorin exemplifies the destructive nature of greed. Throughout the narrative, two key events vividly illustrate Thorin's avarice: his refusal to negotiate with Bard and his demand for Bilbo's share of the treasure. Firstly, Thorin's refusal to negotiate with Bard during the siege of the Lonely Mountain epitomizes his greed. Despite Bard's plea for a fair share of the treasure to aid his people, Thorin stubbornly clings to his desire for wealth and power. His unwillingness to compromise not only exacerbates

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