
How Does W. F. Harvey Create Suspense

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What is a horror story without suspense? How do writers create suspense? In the short horror story “August Heat” by W.F. Harvey, a man by the name of James Clarence describes his lonely life, and he describes how he makes a living. James is a man with an imagination. He has no family, he spends time drawing. He calls himself an artist, but he clearly states the fact that he does not make much money out of his drawings. In the opening scene of the story, James draws a man he had never seen before. He drew this man using only his imagination. The man was a big, bulky, man with an angry face. The man in the picture was in trial for a crime he committed. In the scene of the drawing, the criminal was facing the judge as he received his sentence. For some strange reason he put the drawing in his pocket, as if the universe were telling him, his drawing was a twist of fate. From the moment on James faced a series of event that lead to final destination which. Every single event created more suspense, starting from foreshadows, to Imagery, all the way to the final moments of suspense. …show more content…

Harvey created suspense by foreshadowing significant events. An example of a foreshadow in the story is between lines 33 and 37, they read, “There seemed nothing in the man strong enough to sustain that mountain of flesh. I rolled up the sketch, and without quite knowing why, placed it in my pocket. Then a rare sense of happiness which the knowledge of a good thing well done givers, I left the

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