
How Eating Disorders Affect Health

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Eating Disorders are conditions in which involves irregular eating habits, either insufficient or excessive food, that affects inimical the body’s image and mental health (Wikipedia). It affects men and women of all ages, but it has a greater impact among adolescences and young adults. In the United States, 24 million Americans are battling eating disorders, in which 1 million are males and 23 million are females. An individual who portraits this condition may have an irrational self-image thought that impinged on an individual’s life and affects their health by disrupting body functions and daily activities (National Eating Disorders Association). The most common disorders are Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia Nervosa, and Binge-Eating Disorder, but some people may be diagnosed with EDNOS, they don’t have all the signs of a Bulimia or Anorexia Disorder (National Eating Disorders Association). These conditions are mainly caused by a coalition of multiple factors such as, biochemical, psychological, cultural and environmental. Biochemical is any deviation of any chemical or substance that affects your appetite, mood, sleep, and stress. Psychological is the most common cause; it deals with low self-esteem, impulsive behavior, perfectionism, and difficulty dealing and expressing emotions. Cultural and environmental are mainly peer pressure and social media (ULifeline). The most common disorders are Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia Nervosa, and Binge-Eating Disorder,

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