
How Has Football Changed

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According to Khabir Uddin Mughal the five Most popular sports in the usa are football, baseball, basketball, soccer and Ice hockey. Football is number one baseball is number 2 basketball is number 3 then 4 Ice hockey and 5 soccer. They found out about 15% of all NFL players get injured about two weeks in the season. There was 234 players who got injured and has only been two weeks in the season.The equipment help you stay safe like the shoulder pads they keep you from getting hurt when you get tackled. The other protective gear are the helmet, chin strap, mouthpiece, leg pads and cleats. A normal NFL player is paid about $860,000 Per year. But that could change because 2011-2014 they got paid about $770,000 a year but in 2015 they changed

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