
How Iago Affects The Character's Life

Satisfactory Essays

Throughout the play, Othello by William Shakespeare, Iago doesn’t change much as a character being that he tries to get revenge on Othello throughout the entire story. Despite his lack of change throughout the play, Iago affects everybody’s character and life. These effects on the other character’s lives pushed them to extreme conditions. Iago begins planning his revenge on Othello after he finds out that Othello gave the promotion of lieutenant to Cassio instead of him. In order to get his revenge, Iago plans on spreading rumors about Othello’s wife, Desdemona, and Cassio. Iago implies that Desdemona is having an affair on Othello with Cassio, which is untrue. Once the word gets around about them two, Iago’s plan is right on track. By the

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