
How Is Atticus Finch A Hero

Decent Essays

Atticus Finch is a character in the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird. He is a skilled lawyer, as well as the single father of the two children: Scout and Jem Finch. Atticus Finch is a character whose traits show that he is a man who is empathetic, believes in equal opportunity, and puts large amounts of effort into the things that he does.
Atticus Finch is a very empathetic man, and this trait is shown many times throughout the novel, from beginning: “You never know a person until you consider things from their point of view,”(22) to end:“Most people are, Scout, when you really see them.” (238). He tells Scout many times throughout the novel that she needs to see the world from someone else’s eyes, and when she does, she understands more about

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