
How Is Atticus Finch In To Kill A Mockingbird

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My opinion of Atticus is that he is a very good and caring father. He isn’t like most of the people in Maycomb. He doesn’t discriminate towards the african americans and he thinks that they should be treated the same as whites. Atticus is trying to teach his kids the same which I feel is good because if he doesn’t teach them then they will take after the people of Maycomb and become racist individuals. Calpurnia, who is the maid of the Finches house and also acts as a mother towards the kids. She is african american, but she is treated very fairly and is paid. It’s almost as if she’s a part of the family. 3. The Cunninghams philosophy is very straight forward. If you don’t have something in your life, then you have to live without it. The …show more content…

It would be hard living Mayella’s life. Mayella’s life is a living hell. Mayella Ewell is the oldest child of Bob Ewell, whose family has been the "disgrace of Maycomb County for three generations." Mayella's mother is dead, and she serves as the fill-in mother for the rest of Bob's six children. She is 19 years old, and apparently has no friends. Like Boo Radley, she rarely leaves the Kulina 5 house since the children don't attend school and she has to look after them. She has little to no money, since Bob drinks up most of his welfare check and is gone for days at a time. 21. Bob Ewell is a drunk and uncaring man. Bob Ewell has no ambition to improve his life, or the lives of his eight motherless children; instead, he spends his welfare checks on whiskey and lets the local landowners turn a blind eye to his poaching activities out of pity for his hungry children. On the one hand, Bob is an object of pity. He was doomed from the moment he was born a Ewell. On the other hand, he's such an obnoxious and mean character that it's hard to feel sorry for him. The town's view that he's just a Ewell, and Ewells are trash, makes it easy for them to avoid responsibility for trying to help him or his children because there is no point in offering any aid to someone who's not going to

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