
How Is Beowulf An Epic Hero

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Beowulf is the story of good vs, evil and shows unbelievable courage, and strength battling 3 different monsters. Beowulf battled Grendel, Grendel’s mother and a Dragon. I believe that Beowulf has every characteristic of an Epic hero because he does everything in his power to protect others. Beowulf is heroic in many ways he slew Grendel, to rid Hrothgar of this creature. After the battle with Grendel, Beowulf made peace with Grendel’s mother creating the third monster, the dragon. Beowulf is very loyal to his kingdom after Hrothgar’s death, after this Beowulf becomes king. Beowulf lied about killing Grendel’s mother in the beginning, he did this to ensure safety in his kingdom and for his wife. Beowulf showed great strength battling Grendel

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