
How Is General Zaroff A Dynamic Character

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In every story there is always a mysterious character that the author does not provide enough information and background to the readers. This adds suspense to the story, adding more surprises and eye-opening astonishments. In the case of this short story The Most Dangerous Game, General Zaroff is that character. He is preceded as the antagonist character that is uncivilized, cruel, and reckless. General Zaroff plays the role of a dynamic and complex character that develops over the course of the story. In the introductory of the character General Zaroff, one would assume that he is a civilized man because of the fact that he is first presented as a well dressed wealthy man who lived on an island which was owned by himself. Within General …show more content…

In his opinion, he believes in "life is for the strong, to be lived by the strong, and, if needs be-taken by the strong. The weak of the world were put here to give the strong pleasure. I am strong. Why should I not use my gift?" (page 7). This proves that he views the world in a primitive fashion, believing that the weak should suffer beneath the feet of the strong. He believes that the world is split into two. One being greater than the other or one being more superior over the other. Due to the fact that General Zaroff believes he is one of the strong, he assumes that he is obligated to exterminate the weak. General Zaroff is convinced that killing humans is acceptable. He enjoys the thrill of killing humans as he once did for tigers, "hinting tigers ceased to interest me some years ago. I exhausted their possibilities, you see. No thrill left in tigers, no real danger. I live for danger " (page 5). Killing humans instead of animals provides him pleasure and he does it for entertainment purposes because "they can reason, after a fashion" (page 7). This reveals that General Zaroff does not have the same feelings towards the values of life as others would. By that, one could assume that he does not have a clear idea of the difference between right and

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