
How Is Harriet Tubman Brave

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Harriet Tubman always sacrificed her life to do what she believed was right. Harriet Tubman was an extraordinary heroine. Harriet was always as brave as she could possibly be; for the sake of others as well as herself. She would put herself before others, she took action due to what would assist others. Harriet did not let her tragic head injury prevent her from living her life, as well. Harriet was an extremely heroic woman, as well as an extremely brave woman. Even in tough situations, Harriet remained brave. When Harriet began her Underground Railroad journey, she became braver than ever. On Harriet’s first trip to freedom, she was alone. She did not have anyone by her side to assist her. This shows bravery, due to the fact that …show more content…

The slave overseer threw a brick at Harriet’s head, which caused permanent brain damage. Harriet would faint at random times from her brain damage. Although, she did not allow this to keep her from fulfilling her goals. When Harriet was a slave for Master Stewart, she asked him if she could use an old barn to let her sell her crops to make money. She did this due to the fact that she wanted to save money to buy her freedom papers. Therefore, one day she courageously asked him if she could buy her freedom. She saved up $200 from all of her hard work; making and selling crops. However, he did turn her down, he claimed that he would not let her be free unless she had more money. Harriet’s injury made it tough for her to come up with this much money, which made her extremely upset. Since she could buy her freedom papers, she wanted to run away to freedom, which would be difficult for her. Despite her brain damage, she went alone on her first adventure to freedom. During this trip, she did faint; however, once she woke up, she kept moving. For a majority of Harriet’s life, she assisted runaway slaves to freedom by taking them across the country. This was difficult at times due to her injury; although, she did not let it keep her from achieving her

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