
How Is Hector A Hero In The Iliad

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The trait of a homeric hero is simple, savage, merciless, and is not afraid of death. In the Iliad the two most heroic figures are Hector and Achilles. The heroic code states that ¨the highest honor can only be won in battle.¨ The one with the most heroic value is Achilles because he won the highest Trojan war. Hector is noble and honorable to the heroic code throughout the Trojan War. Hector is a good hero because he’s symbols bravery and doesn’t let anything get way. “ … - never hanging back/ with the main force of men always charging around/ giving ground to no man in his fury!” (XXII. 537-39). Hector would always give his all. Hector was truly loved by the people of his city. “A blessing to us all, the men and the woman of Troy:/ throughout the city they saluted you like a god.” (XXII. 447-49). The city of Troy greatly admired and respected Hector. Although he wasn’t the one to win the battle he still earned great honor. …show more content…

Achilles is someone who is always on guard. “ … Achilles, coming on, gigantic in power./ as a snake in the hills, guarding his hole, awaits a man-/ bloated with poison, deadly hatred seething inside him,/ glances flashing fire as he coils round his liar…” (XXII. 111-14). He is filled with hate and is ready for the war to begin. The king of Phthia is feeling himself to be the best. “Like a champion stallion drawing a chariot full tilt,/ sweeping across the plain in easy, tearing strides -/so Achilles hurtled on, driving legs and knees.” (XXII. 28-30). Achilles is just like a stallion running through the wind. This reveals Achilles as a skillful

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