
How Is Holden Caulfield Incompatible With Reality

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In The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, the main character Holden has to deal with growing up, phonies, and the ever-changing world. He comes across a lot of difficulty adjusting to this, as he views the world in a way that is quite different than how it actually is. In the novel, Holden has created a worldview that is incompatible with reality; he is still affected by Allie’s death, and therefore cannot call Jane or make connections to other people his age. Holden’s unrealistic worldview makes him unable to call Jane and have connections with others. Throughout the course of the novel, Holden steps into a telephone booth and considers calling Jane but he never does. He always blames this on external factors, and once said “her mother answered …show more content…

Allie’s death caused Holden to fear and hate change, as it made him associate change with sadness and loss. He loves the museum because inside the museum, nothing ever changed and “everything always stayed right where it was” (121). However, the world is not like a museum. He refuses to accept this because to him, change is a monster, and believes “certain things should stay the way they are” (122). When things don’t stay the way they are, Holden completely loses his mind. When Holden found out that Allie died, he broke all the windows in his garage, causing him to get psychoanalyzed. Tomás Manzón, in his essay “Exploring Change in J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye” believes that “This serves as cold hard truth that Holden has hardships with change, because the removal of Allie as an element of his life hurt him, and because it happened through his tragic death, the theme of dealing with death also becomes one, by association, that is explored in the novel” (4). Holden holds the museum in such great regard because when he went to the museum as a child, it was a time where Allie was still alive and everything was okay. He wishes his life was just like how it was back then, and that nothing changed. He refuses to get close to anyone ever again because he does not want to feel the pain he is feeling now ever again, and is worried that they will end up leaving his

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