
How Is Jack Presented In Lord Of The Flies

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Lord of The Flies
In Goldberg's novel, Lord of the Flies, Jack has been a character that has remained evil, dangerous and power hungry. The author demonstrates this by Jack's emotions, behavior, and physical characterization. In the beginning of the book, Jack's emotions shows how he thinks he deserves respect right away. In Lord of the Flies, it says, “‘Kids’ names,’ said Merridew. ‘Why should I be Jack? I'm Merridew’” (Goldberg 21). In this case, Jack believes that he deserves respect from the boys’ right away. Jack thinks that he was above everyone else. When you want to go by your last name, that means you want to receive more authority and respect from others. By going by his last name, Jack has more domenice, which leads to power and …show more content…

This is shown by Piggy’s behavior and his emotions. To begin, Piggy’s behavior demonstrates how he is being responsible. An example of this is, In Lord of the Flies, it says, “‘I got the couch! Just you listen! The first thing we ought to have made was shelters down there by the beach’” (Goldberg 45). In this situation, it shows how Piggy is being responsible and wanting to get all the important things done. The boys didn't get shelters built and that frustrated Piggy because he wanted the shelters but so they could be safe. By being responsible, Piggy was looking out for everyone. He wasn't being selfish and just looking out for himself. He wanted to make sure that everyone was going to be safe. In addition, Piggy's emotions validates how he tries to make the best out of a situation. As a bad situation occurred, Piggy tried his best to help Ralph cope with it. An example of this is, “‘It was an accident,’ said Piggy suddenly. ‘That’s what it is. An accident.’ His voice shrilled again” (Goldberg 157). In this instance, this quote is explaining how Piggy is accepting the fact that the situation was an accident. He isn't blaming it on anyone or pointing fingers, he is simply saying that it was an accident and no one's fault. Piggy genuinely cares for Ralph, he is telling him that it was an accident and trying to help him deal with his emotions. Another reason Piggy has remained authentic, is his emotions determines his morals. In …show more content…

Goldberg demonstrates this by Ralphs judgmental and emotional characterization. In the beginning of the book, Ralphs judgemental characterization shows how the boys on the island respect him. An example of this is, “The liked and now respected him” (Goldberg 37). In this case, the quote is showing how Ralph had to gain the boy’s trust. Ralph had to become a leader. A good leader is well liked and respected by others. They do the right thing. Ralph isn't controlling or a dictator, he wants everyone to be safe. So he feels that it's his job to be a leader and be responsible for everyone. As the book continued, Ralph remained pure due to the responsibility. In Lord of the Flies, it says, “They obeyed the summons of the conch, partly because Ralph blew it, and he was big enough to be a link with the adult world of authority” (Goldberg 59). In this situation, Ralph had to act like an adult. He had to be responsible and a leader at the same time. Ralph is a fair person, he always watches out for the little boys and makes sure they are taken care of. That's why he is so respected ad well liked by the boys. Ralphs intention are always good, he always wants to make sure that the boys are safe and protected. Another reason that Ralph has remained pure throughout the novel is that he is always calm. Goldberg writes, “Wave after wave, Ralph followed the rise and fall until something of the remoteness of the sea

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