
How Is Macbeth A Tragic Hero

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“They have tied me to a stake.I cannot fly. But, bear-like, I must fight the course. What is he, that was not born of women? Such a one, am I to fear, or none.” In the story, the Tragedy of Macbeth, Macbeth the noble character itself would be considered a tragic hero. He gets karma in many ways and the situation that happens, he must handle. He ends up broken and alone that is expected with whereabouts of everything.

Macbeth’s wife-Lady Macbeth pushes Macbeth to take a leap which he is indecisive about.Lady Macbeth was evil and her need of power and being on top made her hunger stronger, in which for example, she told Macbeth that she would kill her child for purposes to get what she wants and she would dare to. Lady Macbeth also expressed ambition and shared with her husband that she told him she think that himself is not capable of such things. Macbeth’s ambition got in him to kill the king for himself and for Lady Macbeth Lady Macbeth’s evil was high and would risk regularly anything to achieve her goal. Lady Macbeth had more evil in her and more hunger for power in which she encourages Macbeth to go on about this plan for him to be king. …show more content…

He was unsure with the plan due to betraying the the kind and breaking the loyalty that was there. As for also being mandatory in involving his friends and subjects. Taking the risk of doing whatever is necessary to not ruin what is done. Macbeth felt hesitant for a while and needed reassurance various times. After the big pace that was made which was killing the king. Macbeth was not the same man. Macbeth did other killings due to the first step made which was killing the king that made commocion to cover it all up. He started managing the situation furtherly and with no help. Soon after he killed Banquo, Macbeth feeling crazy seeing Banquo’s ghost. Lady Macbeth was worried due to how things

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