
How Is Macbeth Similar To Hitler

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Macbeth by William Shakespeare
This literary analysis is on the fictinal character Macbeth, and how much he has in common with Adolf Hitler. Macbeth the character , and Adolf Hitler the German leader both have things in common. Macbeth is fictional character that let power greed and corruption to his head; Hitler was the leader of germany, and did the same thing to but on a much more disterbing level. The both had no qualms, about comitting murders of any kind. It was very similar how Macbeth and Hitler got into power; they both killed inncocent people that did nothing to further there political aggenda; and at the beginning they were loved and admired by their country.
How Macbeth and Hitler got into power was similar. The Witches prophesied that Macbeth would be king, and he wanted the power and respect it would bring him. Macbeth murdered the king, so that he would be crowned king. Then he hired people to murder his good friend Banquo, because the witches also said Banquo’s children would be king. After this happens Macbeth turns completely evil, his hunger for power and greed, greater than his conscience. Hitler is worse, as it doesn’t appear that he ever had a conscience. Hitler won the role of Chancellor in 1933, which was second …show more content…

They both had honorable militery service, and were given rewards. Scotland saw Macbeth as a hero at first, and thought he would make a great leader. The people of Scotland thought he was a noble man. Germany was under the great depression when Hitler came on the scene. The German people at first loved Hitler, he started creating roads, and labor jobs. There were many large projects he helped to create, and promised to create employment opportunities. There are some people that say Hitler healed the great depression in Germany. Then both of them turned away from the good things they were doing, and decided to go down and dark and vicious

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