
How Is Othello A Feminist

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Emilia’s character in the play was a big part just because she was feminist. When she was introduced into the play the first time as Desdemona’s best friend and closest person you really wouldn’t view her as a feminist until you keep reading on in the play. When readers get into Act IV they would understand that she is all for women no matter what type of power a person has and no matter how wealthy they are, the women are first. Loyalty and Honor are one of her biggest and best characteristics because even for Desdemona she went up against the highest power anyone can go up against and that was Othello.

Emilia believed in the fact that all women were equal to all men and it doesn’t matter how powerful and how wealthy in her head we are all equal. In the play in Act V Emilia showed that she was all about women and that she believed that we are all equal because Othello killed Desdemona and she didn’t hold back and just said whatever she felt. The fact that she believed in what she did, didn’t allow her to be stopped by anything not even Othello. This was a huge part in not only the play and this character but this was a big part in history because women at the time the play was made had no rights. …show more content…

In history women weren’t really important to men and anyone else because they were basically looked at like they have no rights and they weren’t important to anyone. This in my opinion was the reason for Shakespeare putting this in the play and having a character make it so big because at this time the women had nothing. This was one of the biggest things that the play had sent a message about in the

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