
Equality 7-2521 In Ayn Rand's Anthem

Decent Essays

In the book Anthem, Equality 7-2521 risks his life just so he can find himself individually. The society that he lives in is a society where all men do the same job and are forbidden to have their own thoughts. Equality 7-2521 is a guy that is fascinated with the phenomena of nature and can’t help but wonder what power of the sky causes lightning and how it can be harnessed to human benefit. When Equality 7-2521 discovered a tunnel in an uncharted forest, he secretly started to perform scientific experiments that led to the creation of electricity. He knows that he is taking risks by showing the World Council of Scholars his invention, but he thinks that his invention could change the world for the better. In the book Anthem, Ayn Rand uses repetition, specific diction and irony to express her views on how society is based on equality and the importance of individuality over society.
The repetition of the words “first time” on page 61 is used repeatedly throughout one section of the book. By repeating the words “first time” it emphasizes the change of Equality 7-2521 life and the contrast between old society and the new world. This also shows the first time that Equality 7-2521 cared about his body, what he looked …show more content…

By using the word “transgression” it has a stronger meaning than just saying going against the law. Also by using the word “transgression” it shows that men were not afraid to go against the law. Equality 7-2521 chose to risk his life to find himself individually, rather than staying in groups. He wants to be able to be his own person with his own ideas instead of being like everyone else. This contributes to the purpose because it shows how interested Equality 7-2521 is in learning the Science of Things and how he would risk getting in trouble just to be able to show the World Council of Scholars his invention of electric light to help the cities light up instead of using

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