
How Revolutionary Was The American Revolution Essay

Decent Essays

England's unconstitutional taxation on the American colonies has inevitably produced the act of defiance that took place on the evening of December 16, 1773. Few are unaware of the incident, but many question the justification in such a bold protest that resulted in the destruction of that property. Bitterly, the American colonies are fiercely indignant to Britain authorizing the Tea Act without colonial representation in Parliament. Undoubtedly, the taxation has been instituted primarily for Parliament to reassert their authority to level taxes upon the colonies as well as granting a monopoly over tea sales which undercuts American merchants. It has furthermore been imposed to lift the British East India Company from financial ruin so as …show more content…

Angered by this opposition, the commanders of the British warships publicly declared that if the opposition is not withdrawn before the seventeenth of December then the tea would be unloaded onto the shore under their protection and force. The night before the fated day, a group of Sons of Liberty members resolved to take the necessary actions in preventing the landing of the tea and the collection of its duty. Disguised in Naive American attire, wielding small hatchets and concealed in the darkness of the night, they quietly boarded the three ships. Swiftly they unloaded the ninety-two thousand pounds of tea into the harbor. While originating as a protest, the events of that night could barely be described as a mob or riot. Clearly proving the specific and pointed incentive of the mission, the men refrained from damaging the ship, rigging, and other cargo. Refusing even to break the hatch containing the chests of tea, they instead demanded of the captain the keys to the lock. Inconspicuously completing their efforts, they were unopposed in fact unnoticed by the British who were occupying the harbor at that time. As an account by a participant who prefers to remain unnamed described, “no disorder took place during that transaction, and it was observed at that time that the stillest night ensued that Boston had enjoyed for many

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