
How Shakespeare's Macbeth Was Affected By Politics And Events

Decent Essays

Russell Miller
Mrs. Sharon Batson
English 102
18 April 2018
How Shakespeare’s Macbeth Was Affected By Politics and Events Surrounding Its Writing Macbeth is a literary work heavily produced by the influence of the era in which it was written and the consideration of the writings and religious beliefs of King James I of England. When Shakespeare was composing this play he had to account for how his newest patron to the Globe Theatre, King James, was viewed by his society, working to guarantee James’s continued support of Shakespeare and his company, and the conflicts taking place in society at the time of writing. King James VI of Scotland became King James I of England in 1603 following the death of his cousin Queen Elizabeth (“James I”). …show more content…

Shortly after coming to the throne of England, he took on the role of Shakespeare’s patron at the Globe Theatre. When King James began providing funding for productions, Shakespeare’s company, which became known as the King’s Men, benefitted from King James’s sometimes reckless spending of royal finances. It is highly likely that Shakespeare wrote Macbeth with his patron in mind (“King James VI of Scotland, King James I of England”). The notion that Macbeth is written at least partly in tribute to King James is backed up with historical situations and textual evidence prevalent throughout the play. Banquo, of whom King James frequently claimed to be a descendant, follows closely to the morals and beliefs of King James (“Witches and King James”). Early in the play after the prophecy that Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor comes true, Banquo speaks about the three witches, “What, can the devil speak true?” He goes on to speak to Macbeth, “ . . . oftentimes, to win us to our harm, / The instruments of darkness tells us truths, / Win us with honest trifles, to betray’s / In deepest consequence-” (Shakespeare 1.3). These sections portray Banquo as a deeply religious man, concerned with the influence of demons on human. Since King James was a …show more content…

Because King James enjoyed the arts, he also wrote a few works of his own (“James VI of Scotland, James I of England”). Knowledge of King James’s works and other works Shakespeare used as inspiration for Macbeth allows us to better understand Shakespeare’s themes as he intended them for his original audience (Jack 174). It is evident that Shakespeare was careful in molding the themes of Macbeth to fit the political and religious beliefs expressed in James’s essays (Jack 178). In 1597, James published Daemonologie, a book he wrote on traditional beliefs in witches and witchcraft and his own personal beliefs on the subject (“Witches and King James”). In both Daemonologie and his later Basilikon Doron, James clearly paints his concern of evil and his belief that life is a battle between Satan and God (Jack 177). This is seen in Macbeth directly after Macbeth murders Duncan and returns to to Lady Macbeth. Macbeth describes Duncan’s guards to his wife, “One cried, ‘God Bless us!’ and ‘Amen’ the other, / As they had seen me with these hangman’s hands. / Listening their fear, I could not say ‘Amen,’ / When they did say ‘God bless’ “ (Shakespeare 2.2)! Shakespeare’s largely Christian audience, including King James, would have understood that Macbeth unspeakable crime separated him

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