
How The Grinch Stole Frank Psychology Essay

Decent Essays

Freudian Monster When asked to write about a monster who portrays the Freudian Personality Theory, I immediately thought about one of my favorite Christmas movies, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”. The Grinch came to my mind because of how he depicts the Freudian id, ego and superego. While a child usually would not pick up on this certain behavior, now as I am older, it is very evident that the Grinch is a perfect example. The Grinch portrays the Freudian id, the part of the mind in which innate instinctive impulses and primary processes are manifest. Throughout most of the entire movie, the Grinch is controlled by the id. His hatred roots back to being made fun of at school, never being accepted, and being rejected by Martha May, his crush, on Christmas day. During the movie, the Grinch concludes …show more content…

At the beginning of the movie, he almost never fails to cater to his id and strives to not turn into his superego. As the movie progresses, he grasps the fact that he is able to arbitrate his superego and id by practicing his ego, therefore, balancing out his personality structures. An example of the Grinch’s ego is him wrapping her up in wrapping paper after realizing he saved her. His superego kicks by saving her after his id influenced him to push her into the gift processor. By the end of the movie, his superego becomes the more prevalent part of his personality. After being showed love from the Whos, the Grinch’s heat softens and he starts performing heroic acts instead of being a villain. In one of the last scenes, he is shown putting his life on the line by saving the sleigh from falling down the

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