
How To Avoid Student Loans

Decent Essays

As soon as you start applying for colleges it will seem like everyone wants to lend you money like a “gift” when it’s not. They want to draw you in with “free money” when it’s not really you will be paying off student loan debts for years after you graduate college. The total estimated student loan debt outstanding is more than $1 trillion. You don't have to be one of the many americans struggling to pay for student loan debt if you just pay cash for college. There are many other feasible options like earning as grant for your academic accomplishments or even a work study. Paying cash for college is crucial if you don't want to struggle with the endless piles of student loan debt. Even though paying cash for college is the ideally the way you …show more content…

Not only does this help pay for college expenses the program encourages community service work and work related to the student's course of study. FWS is for students with financial need so the determination of your eligibility is up to FAFSA. To qualify you need to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).It should appear with your award package if you are eligible. Although the amount you earn can’t succeed your award FWS award. One could feud that student loan debt is “good debt” and that everyone does it so its normal. That one day once you have that great job you will be able to pay off the debts in no time at all. But this is where they're wrong. The total estimated student loan debt in our country is more than $1 trillion of the total outstanding student loan debt approximately $85 billion is past due. Which means they got behind payments before they even graduated. This is why I believe that you shouldn't take out a student loan it only puts more stress on someone who has just got there life started and don't want to be held back by debt. Student loan debt can be avoided completely. All you have to do is pay cash for

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