
How To Maintain Time In The Great Gatsby

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Some can never learn to forgive. Some hang on to every single memory for years to come while others move past a memory the next day. Those are the people who others aspire to be. Those know how to move beyond the past and into the future to form new relationships and new memories. Those understand it is acceptable to move on to bigger and better things. The Great Gatsby is a novel set in a 1920's community where money controls the mind causing wealth to affect relationships including Daisy and Gatsby's relationship. In the novel, The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald uses symbolism to justify no matter how hard you try, you can not relive the past.

Fitzgerald incorporates the clock as a representation of time. However, once Gatsby knocks over the clock, it shows how time in the past can no longer be fixed. He knocks over Nick's nicest clock that is sitting on his mantle accidently. Our narrator, Nick, describes the clock falling over, "Luckily the clock took this moment to tilt dangerously at the pressure of his head, whereupon he turned and caught it with trembling fingers and set it back in place" (Fitzgerald 86). When he knocks over the clock, it proves lost time can not be corrected. The clock falling off the mantle proves that lost time can not be repaired because a clock is an item used to keep time, and Gatsby …show more content…

When Gatsby and Daisy first meet again years later at Nick's house, the weather is constantly changing within the time they are together. Before Daisy arrived, it was pouring outside as well as after she left; however, the time spent together it appeared to sunny and cloud-free outside. (INSERT QUOTE HERE). This shows that even though Gatsby tries to relive his relationship with Daisy he is unable to. He is unable to because once she leaves again it starts to rain which represents

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