
How To Reduce Homelessness In The United States

Decent Essays

A problem that I would love to solve is the amount of homeless kids in the U.S right now. Did you know that every year more than 2 million kids in America will face a period of homelessness? Statistics show that there are 40% of kids that are homeless in the U.S that are under the age of 18 years old according to Covenant House, which is a website designed for offering American teens shelter and proper education. It’s also proven that 50% of adolescents coming out of foster care and juvenile justice systems will be homeless within six months because they are unprepared to live independently and have limited education and no social support. The question is what could I do to help? If I could change the world, I’d do a number of things to help …show more content…

Studies show that in 2014 that 54% of new users of illicit drugs were under the age of 18, that's 7,800 users in just one day! another study showed that one in seven kids are likely to dropout of school after substance or drug abuse. That’s a greater number of people in poverty, not living a productive life and also at risk of having health issues. The more people unhealthy people we have in the world is the more money we need to run test to see what the problem is with the person, and possibly if its life risking or not. On a more personal level no mother would ever want the worst for their child, only the best. to see them be all that they could or wonder what they could’ve been if they had not gone down the road that they went down. Since I wouldn’t be able to save those that have already exposed themselves to the drugs, I would just have them sign an agreement. Drugs lead to poverty, all of the important things in life don’t get taken care of because kids would try to chase a temporary high. When the mind is a terrible thing to waste, and instead of killing it slowly they should be feeding it. In my shelters I would also have rehabilitation center for those that have been exposed to the illicit drugs and narcotics after they are clean of the addiction, place them on the track that they need to be on with the help of my

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