
How To Survive In The Grapes Of Wrath

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The Grapes of Wrath Essay During the Great Depression, many families were unable to find work and food to survive. There was an abundance of workers and a lack of jobs available for them. In The Grapes of Wrath, the Joads were among the group of families who struggled for survival. Although they tried to control their fate, ultimately, the Joads and the many other families in similar situations were at the mercy of the bank and the generosity or selfishness of the people around them. Steinbeck is implying that individuals are not in control of their own destiny, rather we are products of our environment and the people we interact with. At the beginning of the novel, the bank asserts its dominance over the land owners, the Joads, and all other tenant farmers. The land owners inform the tenant farmers that the bank has decided to evict the tenant farmers from their land. “These last would take no responsibility for the banks or the companies because they were men and slaves, while the banks were machines and masters all at the same time... You’ll have to get off the land. The plow’ll go through the doorway.” (Steinbeck 43-45). Steinbeck uses this quote to show that the tenant farmers had very little control over decisions that effect them immensely. The bank displays its control over the destiny of the …show more content…

“Fifty cents isn’t enough to get for a good plow. That seeder cost thirty-eight dollars. Two dollars isn’t enough. Can’t haul it all back- Well, take it...”(Steinbeck 117). A man is attempting to sell all of his possessions to a pawn shop. The broker offers extremely low prices because he knows the farmers are too desperate to bargain. The farmer sells all of his possessions and leaves with a negligible amount of money that is supposed to help him and his family start new lives in California. Steinbeck shows that one man’s greed can ruin another an entire

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