
How To Write An Essay On To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a classic book that everyone should read because the lessons contained in the book are crucial to learn. Many schools decided to cut the book from their curriculum for the language inside is inappropriate and racist. The book should not be cut from the curriculum because even with the harsh language it still displays the sad history of how African Americans were treated.
To Kill a Mockingbird is about how people should treat others all equally and not be racist. Throughout the book it is displayed how a negro man is judged unfairly based on the color of his skin. During that time many people used offense language for example the n-word. Garvey Jackson said," To put it simple, I felt uncomfortable." He protested on the book and got the book from the curriculum based on the one bad word used repeatedly.
The n-word is used to show the difference between how each race is treated by others. It is an important contribution to the book and overall helps the …show more content…

We cannot ignore the past, but rather accept it and try to make a difference in the future. Harper Lee created this book to help people see that. Every person should read this book because the main character, Atticus Finch, made sacrifices and did was right. He tried to help a black man with all his power and felt like he could not be a right man if he did not try to save that man's life.
The truth does hurt when it comes to mistakes as big as the one our nation has made in the past. Harper Lee took it upon herself to spread the mistake and make people relook on what we are doing in our lives. To be not racist and give equally to others. People have become "uncomfortable" with the truth. They have also tried to ignore and deny that this book is crucial to the curriculum. To Kill a Mockingbird is an important book to read and do not cut it from your to read

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