
How Volcanoes Look And Work

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When asked the questions of how volcanoes look and work, we give an answer based off of our general knowledge. Yet some research into the functions of volcanoes and different types there are prove they are much more than just lava flowing geological cones. I will be going into focus about the different types of volcanoes and how to tell the differences between active, inactive, and dormant volcanoes. My focus of approach is merely into the research of volcanoes from past to present.
First, I’d like to briefly go over some terms we will be discussing and how to identify the difference between each term. There are a variety of volcanoes that we can identify by physical characteristics.
Let’s begin with Cinder Cone volcanos, the cinder cone volcano can be classified by the small, rough patches of hardened lava. Also called Scoria Cones, these volcanos are the easiest to classify and or the most common type of volcano. When lava is completely filled with gas bubbles it can erupt from a vent under extreme pressure and can have a fire fountain effect which is when the lava shoots directly into the sky. After this process is over, chunks of lava cool fast and land near the vent. Over time, a cone-shaped hill is built up around the crater creating it’s characteristic.
Next, we have the Shield Volcano which usually forms from a lava flow made of fluid basaltic material. Shield volcanos do vary in terms of formation and do not have a set location of proper formation. For example, the

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