
How Would An Ethical Decision Making-Outweigh The Moral Standpoints

Decent Essays

In what cases would an ethical decision making-outweigh the moral standpoints? When an ethical dilemma is being presented, it is up to the individual whether or not act upon in favor or against your moral beliefs. Given abortion as an example, how it has been a controversial topic for several decades. Covering different topics as the meaning of life, woman rights, and the influence of cultural and religious backgrounds. Many people define abortion as disobeying God’s ten commends because these individuals consider the fetus as a person with moral rights. However, women rights are inflicted upon this topic. Would it be justice for a law or another person to have a say whether or not a women is not allow to have an abortion despite her body being her own. Many …show more content…

In chapter seven, “the Value of a Future Life Approaching”, (p.512) philosopher Don Marquis talks about how abortion steals the fundamental goods from one self like the experiences and enjoyments. He states, “the loss to the victim of the value of its futures has obvious consequences for the ethics in abortions,” meaning that is morally wrong to kill the unborn because it is already a person with a future and by with killing it it is not letting it reach its full potential. Religious backgrounds are also against abortion because in the Christian community the fetus is considered a person right when it starts forming. The fetus is a human being created by God and no human being has the right to take a life because they are not God. It is said that God is the only one to take away life because he is the one who to create it and stealing another’s’ life is going against God. In the Catholic and Christian community it is one of the ten commandments that one shalt not kill and because the fetus is now a small human being it is murder and a sin to take its life.

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