
How do the Poets Explore the Theme of Death in Educating for Leisure, Mother in a Refugee Camp, Do not go Gentle into that Good Night, Remember, T...

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Language plays a crucial role in helping a poet get his point across and this can be seen used be all the poems to help them explore the theme of death with the reader. This includes the formal, brutal and emotive language that Chinua Achebe uses in “mother in a refugee camp.” This can be seen when Achebe says, “The air was heavy with odor of diarrhea, of unwashed children with washed out ribs” this is very brutal and the is no holding back with the use of a euphemism or a simile as seen in the other poems but he would rather invite the reader to uses their senses to get a vivid description of what the refugee camp is like and how life is like while living there. On top of that the juxtaposition of the polar opposites “unwashed” and …show more content…

In addition to is when we look at Dylan Thomas’s, “Do not go gentle” we see that it uses formal but aggressive and illustrative language to express the theme of death with the reader. The aggression can be seen when Dylan Thomas says, “Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” This shows us how badly he wants his dad to fight and not give in and how his desperation is now driving him towards distress and frustration. His use of illustrative language can be seen through his use of colors such as, “Green bay” and his descriptions of the men and this can be seen when he says, “how bright…” and “how dark…” These descriptions help the reader understand the point that the poet is trying to get across about the men and it also invites the reader to use their imagination and build a vivid picture about what is happening throughout the poem. All three poems differ in the respect to the others in many ways but they also have a similarity that is seen with all three and this is formality. This could have been due to the time at which these poems were written or it could have been due to the sophistication of the writers. Also the fact that the poems are written in formal language allows them to appeal to more people due to the fact that some people may not understand some of the slang and references used in some other countries. As for the other poems, colloquial text is used in both “The man he killed” and “E for L”. This colloquial text is used for

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