
Human Cloning Ethics

Decent Essays

Philosophy Paper
Date: 10/13/2017
Kant and Kass Tackle the Cloning Dilemma Although there are some important benefits to the use of human cloning, there are also moral challenges as well. The benefits include eradicating defective genes and infertility and a quicker recovery from traumatic injuries among other advantages. However, the disadvantages are truly thought provoking as first an individual must answer the question, “When does a human life begin?” This paper will oppose the use of human cloning on the basis that life begins at conception and therefore the use of human embryos should be restricted or forbidden. For many years, the use of human cloning has been debated. The same is true about the question of when a human life …show more content…

Kant’s work centered on moral acts and the philosophy surrounding them, or ethics. He developed the categorical imperative, a moral law based on rationality. In order to be a moral individual, Kant believed humans must follow this law implicitly. Kant’s first formulation of the categorical imperative stated, “Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law.” The first formulation of the categorical imperative states strongly that you should do no harm to anything or anyone and that you should always do the right or ethical thing. This is the only way to be a moral person. To be moral and respect of all living beings, a person must take into consideration the good of others each time they make a decision. This includes those yet unborn. In order to clone a human, an embryo must be manipulated and may die during the process. The issue here is when does human life begin? Some religious institutions state that life begins at conception. Some scientists suggest that life begins when the embryo becomes a fetus, which takes place around 8 weeks.
To understand the controversy surrounding human cloning and when human life starts, one must know the stages of pregnancy. The definition of conception is the point where the sperm fertilizes the ovum. Within 12 hours, the pronuclei, or the small packages of DNA from both the male and female intermingle and a

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