
Human Connections In Frankenstein

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Benefits of Human Connections Mary Shelley, author of gothic novel Frankenstein, validly perceives human connections as a crucial component in the lives of individuals as well as in a peaceful, functioning society. She continues to show this throughout the story, proving that failing to connect will result in complete corruption, mental madness and depression, while partaking in them can heal, and make dark times better. Everyone needs human connections, for, as later proven, survival. One thing made clear by Shelley is that connecting with other humans keeps people mentally sane. While working on the monster, Victor, the creator, isolates himself and even admits that he “forget[s] [his] friends” while building the monster (Shelley 41). He replaces all forms of connection, face to face visits as well as writing letters, with his project. For over two years, he does not leave the house or speak to anyone, and his health directly mirrors this, decreasing steadily. Then, when Victor’s creation does finally come to life, people harshly judge him for his appearance and run away from him in fear. These rude acts cause the monster to accept that he is ugly and unloved. This causes him to try to run and isolate himself from society, as a result of being rejected anywhere he tried to fit in. Living by himself, the monster did not have any guidance or help in knowing right from wrong. For this loneliness and misery, he blames his creator, vowing revenge, making it a priority that

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