
Human Imaginations based on Philosophers Essay

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The imagination is a tricky facet of the human mind for the philosopher. Each philosopher seems to have his own definitions of what the senses and the human imagination actually are, and the role that each plays in the development and everyday existence of man. Plato errs on the side of shunning the arts and the imaginative in the Republic. Others like Aristotle and Hobbes are more welcoming, treating the imagination as a facet, or a close relative of the memory. Despite the varying opinions, one plaguing question remains, of what use is the imagination to the philosopher? The human imagination is one of the defining characteristics of being human, with it, man is able to delve further into the human mind, investigate, theorize, and most …show more content…

Aristotle’s implication is that by observing the world around you, you can receive an idea of the real essence of things. The acquisition of theoretical knowledge is therefore a matter of thinking rationally about the implications of this knowledge. Thus physical science is a matter of everyday observation followed by rigorous thinking.The relationship between the senses and the imagination is something that both Plato and Hobbes investigate further.
In Plato’s Republic, Plato severely tempers the use of the arts in the creation of a new city. In the Republic, reality is divided into two parts, the visible world and the intelligible world. Human senses grasp the physical world.The intelligible world is one of ideas, a world in which only the highest forms can be found. Plato forsakes the use of art as a tool for furthering and educating the citizenry. He shuns art from the city, saying that art is merely an imitation of an imitation of the highest form that only exists in the intelligible world. Hobbes, in a similar fashion, writes, “Imagination therefore is nothing but decaying sense; and is found in men, and many other living creatures, as well sleeping, as waking.” Where Plato falls short in acknowledging the importance of the imagination, Hobbes picks up the slack. In comparing and contrasting imagination and memory, Hobbes sheds light on the role that

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