
Human Integrity In George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four

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George Orwell’s dystopian novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, demonstrates that a person’s ability to remain steadfast can be easily compromised due to humans holding other values above their ethical principles. Within the fictional world of Oceania, citizens reject values of loyalty to family, wealth, security and love in order to devote themselves to the absolute ruler, Big Brother. Under the ruling of the Inner Party, the rectitude of its citizens is battered and distorted. Doublethink is a mechanism used to strip citizens of their ability to think reasonably. Fearing the wrath of Big Brother motivates the Outer Party members to comply with all philosophies of the Party. The novel depicts the characters putting their wealth and security within …show more content…

Throughout Nineteen Eighty-Four’s setting of a fascist state ruled by the unseen leader, Big Brother, Orwell portrays great similarities to the time period of the Second World War. He uses Big Brother as an allegorical character for Adolf Hitler and the Inner Party for the Nazi Germany. Further figures of the war-torn era are represented by the Thought Police as the Gestapo and the Hate Week as the Nuremberg Rally. Orwell asserts the Inner Party’s desire to control all thoughts through the implementation of the fictional language - Newspeak. Newspeak limits the ability for the individual to form adverse ideas and, therefore, its use ensures that “all other modes of thought [would be made] impossible.” Orwell’s expresses a mechanism used by the Inner Party to assert dominance through the illustration of warped family dynamics. Orwell describes families as “an extension of the Thought Police” and children being “systematically turned against their parents” to let them assign themselves only to Big Brother, this details how the Inner Party replaces the individual’s loyalty to their family with devotion to the Inner Party. Under the ruling of a tyrannical group, Orwell proves that one’s own beliefs, values and morals are oppressed to ensure they do not interfere with the regimes of the

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