
Human Nature Quotes

Decent Essays

Human nature is defined as the composition of humans from their very core of traits and characteristics. The environment we are in and the genetics we have play a major role in the nature of humans. We aren't one dimensional beings that are constantly predisposed to do one thing, but instead we are rather facets of the same coin. There is so much behind human behavior that we keep making new discoveries on the expansive mind that tries to give an explanation on how and why we commit the actions that we do. In the novel Lord of the Flies, we see this theme present of human nature and the darkness embedded in it. William Golding, the author behind the novel, is trying to portray human evil as a whole. This whole book has several examples of symbolism and references on how the boys are much like the adults in their world- cruel and aching for a fight. Now, human nature is complicated but within everyone is that cruelty. That cruelty is there, but how long it takes to reach that level varies for everyone. Each of the boys symbolize a different person in society whether they are a pacifist or a hawk, it …show more content…

They have this war in their own minds that they can not process. They have always had adults to assist them and to fix their problems, but now they had to rely on themselves on this vast island. The lack of processing leads them to use their anger to fuel their frustration via violence. It is the only way for them to not bottle their feelings in, to simply unleash the human evil. “Maybe there is a beast… maybe it's only us.” (Golding 68). Simon is one saying this as he is trying to make sense of the situation but no one wants to hear it from him. They don't want to face reality, so instead they create the scapegoat of the beast and they stay with the concept until the end of the novel. Simon died but still no one opened their eyes because their eyes were already clouded with their judgments and thirst for

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